MAP2/Excel2 Products

training modules to provide training on your managers most critical needs.
1. Participants complete the assessment
2. Facilitator debriefs assessment results and develops an individual IDP or group IDP
3. Facilitator’s provide training on the most critical needs using the Excel2 training modules.

Over 100,000 managers have used MAP/Excel to assess their proficiency and achieve mastery in the 12 fundamental managerial competencies. This comprehensive, easy to use program includes unlimited use of assessments, and training resources. As with all HRD Press training programs there are no costly or time-consuming certifications or use requirements.
MAP2 Assessment
This unique video based assessment uses video to depict real life workplace situations that managers are asked to analyze and respond to a series of questions. This objective assessment provides clear, prioritized development suggestions which provide the greatest potential impact on managerial performance. Online administration makes collecting, scoring and presenting assessment information automatic and error free.
Managing to Excel2 Training Modules
The Managing to Excel2 training modules provide targeted training for each of the 12 competencies. Modules may be customized and all modules include a facilitator guide, video, PowerPoint presentations and other training material to fully immerse participants in mastering the 12 competencies.
An extensive Power Point slideshow with optional embedded video makes training a breeze. Simply play the video and then facilitate the exercises – it is that simple!
Participant Guide
Each Excel2 training module comes complete with a participant guide to follow along with the instructor.
Purchase Options
Assessments and training resources may be purchased individually or in an unlimited use license for one low price for your entire organization. To learn more about an unlimited use PTI license or to inquire about our Train More for Less License please contact one of our representatives and they will be happy to help you.
HRD Press 22 Amherst Road, Amherst, MA 01002 (800)822-2801
Inquire about our unlimited use licenses.